Keeper's Health Assistance

UI/UX Design & Teamwork

An app prototype designed for athletes and their physiotherapists. I made this project together with a team.

View prototype online

Used programs:

Adobe XD
mockup of multiple pages within the app
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Some of the screens in the app

Feed of training excercises
Feed that the player recieves
shows an overview of a player, in this case goalkeeper Joren
Overview of a player for the physiotherapist
Different physiotherapy exercises that the player has to perform
Exercises the player has received from the physiotherapist
a physio exercise explained in detail
An excercise in detail
map with the front of a human showing muscles, the player can indicate an injury by tapping the screen
Map to indicate an injury
map with the back of a human showing muscles, the player can indicate an injury by tapping the screen
The map can be turned around to indicate an injury on the back side
a graph which shows the sleeping fases the player had last night
Sleep analysis of a player
detail screen of a training
Details about a training

The assignment

As a team of 5, we were tasked with creating a prototype of an app that assists Joren, a professional hockey goalkeeper, with his health.

After many iterations...

We went from a paper prototype to an extended Hi-Fi prototype. We have done several rounds of testing and interviews with students, hockey players and physiotherapists.

Putting together the HiFi version

Our team each designed a part of the app in Adobe XD, in the end I merged these parts myself, made them consistent and added many stylish animations.

What would I do better now

It took a lot of time to make the work of our whole team a bit consistent to make it look like one app. Next time I'll make sure we make a style guide so that everyone produces work that fits together.