Design Guide

Graphic Design

A guide that walks through the different phases and methods for creating a good concept for a product/service. It has a total of 35 pages.

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Used programs:

Adobe Illustrator
mockup of multiple design guide pages
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Some of the Design Guide pages

cover of the design guide
page that explains the concept diverging
Diverging explained
the exploring phase
The first phase: Exploration
the stakeholder map method explained
Stakeholder map method
the requirements program method explained
Requirements program method
Dot Voting method explained
Dot voting method

A guide for design methods

The assignment was to develop a new concept with different design methods. After I applied the method, I created a new section in the design manual that explains how to apply this method.


The manual explains concepts, design phases and design methods. When explaining the methods, it says: the goal, a short description, step-by-step how to apply it and a short reflection of my experience.

What I would do better now

I used Adobe Illustrator to create this manual, but this program is not specialized in making booklets. That's why I could have made it better in Adobe Indesign, then I would also have built up some experience with it.